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December 31, 2023




Dear SIUC Customer,


This letter is to inform you of a new monthly sewer base fee effective January 1, 2024. The new rate will be reflected on your monthly bill dated January 31, 2024. The fee increase is 4 % per month for all customer categories.


                Sewer Base Fee (1 ERU)                 $ 51.70                  Within Town of Seabrook Island

                                                                                $ 54.10                  Kiawah River Estates & Cassique


The water usage rate will increase in January from $ 5.50/1000 gallons to $ 5.90/1000 gallons. This increase includes a pass-through rate increase from St. Johns Water. In addition, the usage increase is driven by inflation related materials costs, employee costs and an acceleration of service line replacement projects. The water base fee, $ 24.55 per month, will not increase.


The Commission is committed to managing costs, staying efficient and upholding its mission to provide customers safe, reliable potable water and sanitary sewer services. The Commission relies solely on monthly fee collection to cover all the costs for the services it provides. Much time, thought and analysis were performed to ensure the most conservative increase to the rate structure.


The additional revenue will not only support rising operational expenses, but also provide a source for repairing and/or replacing aging infrastructure.


As a reminder, invoices are issued on the last day of each month and payment is due on the 25th of the following month. SIUC offers auto draft, the worry-free way to pay your utility bill. With this service, the amount of your monthly bill is automatically deducted from your bank account and credited to your utility account. The application can be found on our website siuc.org. The website provides general information, helpful tips, news and a list of rates/fees. Visit siuc.org and sign up to receive email alerts for service-related issues and utility news.


The Seabrook Island Utility Commission